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             Warriner Multi Academy Trust                   Academy Information

The Warriner MAT came into being on 1st August 2015 and at that time, consisted of one large secondary school (The Warriner School) and three small rural primary schools, all of which are located in North Oxfordshire. Since 2015 we have continued to grow across Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire and Warwickshire.

We are looking to share our vision with other like-minded schools who want to collaborate to ensure that all the children in all our schools experience the very best education. We are looking to recruit the very best teachers into our schools by encouraging them to spend time in any of the MAT schools and through our commitment to providing all our staff with the very best CPD and career opportunities.


Dr Annabel Kay
CEO, The Warriner Multi Academy Trust

Bishop Carpenter School is a member of the Warriner Multi Academy Trust, a Charitable limited company registered in England and Wales. 

The company number is 9696059

The registered address is The Warriner School, Bloxham, OX15 4LJ.






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