Welcome to
Bishop Carpenter CE Primary School
In being rooted in knowing we are all loved by God, we are then able to be more aware of our God given wings to fly and to flourish, to bear fruit in our lives, fruit of the Holy Spirit, fruit that will last. (John 15 v16)
We want our children to grow by being contemplative, compassionate and courageous
If you have a question that you think ought to be on here, please let us know.
At what age will be child start in primary school?
All children start 'Reception' in September after their fourth birthday.
How do I apply for a school place?
Please look at the school admissions policy here.
Does the School have wrap around provision?
Yes, we do. Our 'Breakfast Club' happens every morning from Monday to Friday, from 7.50am, the school office will be able to give full details.
We also have a partnership with Dashwood After School Club (Monday - Friday) which is based by St.John's church in the centre of Banbury
Does the School provide hot lunches?
Yes, our lunches are provided by, The School lunch company. Menus can be viewed here.
How will I know how my child is doing at school?
There are plenty of opportunities to talk to staff, 'meet the teacher' sessions, parents evenings and many others. The teachers will contact you if there are any issues or concerns. A Parents' Evening is held in late October to early November to discuss how children are progressing socially and academically. Another Parents' Evening is held in the spring term. Annual reports are issued toward the end of the summer term. Parents will be given the opportunity to discuss this report.
How should my child search for lost property?
Please make sure that anything belonging to your child is labelled with his/her name. We have a lost property cupboard in the foyer area. If it is not in the cupboard, it will probably be somewhere within the classroom. Please ask your child's class teacher.
What time does school start and finish?
Mrs Stevenson will open the school doors at 8:30am and welcomes people into the school. Lessons start at 8:45am. Any children arriving after 8:50am are marked as late. School finishes at 3:10pm. (this provides a 32.5 hours week )
What happens if my child needs to take medicine at school?
Please speak to the school office.
Who was Bishop Carpenter?
Click here to find out.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any further questions