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Volunteers - 

At Bishop Carpenter we very much welcome volunteers to our school. We currently have parents, grandparents, governors and residents of the village coming in to help around the school. Many of our volunteers come in to hear readers, which is an invaluable asset and the children love to have that special time with our visitors. However, if you have a particular interest or hobby that you would like to share with the children I am sure we could utilise your skills. Some of the volunteers come into school and run 'After School Clubs'. Please do come in and have a chat if you would be interested in helping.


Safeguarding is important to us and therefore there are certain checks that we need to do before someone can volunteer in school, the main one being the DBS check. This involves completing a simple online form and bringing identification documents into school. The DBS is usually completed very quickly. Please speak to Mrs Bentley for further information.


We are always looking for Forest School Volunteers, if you love the outdoors click here

Bishop Carpenter CE Primary School

School Lane, North Newington, Banbury

Oxfordshire, OX15 6AQ


Telephone: 01295 730404



A member of The Warriner Multi Academy Trust, a charitable limited company registered in England and Wales, company number 9696059

All website content copyright

© 2017 Bishop Carpenter CE Primary School

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